CryptoQuote Historical

CryptoQuote Snapshot is a REST based set of APIs that allow access to snapshot price data, historical market data, coin refrence data and more.

You can access the Snapshot service using your API key via your dashboard.

You can find the latest CryptoQuote Snapshot OpenAPI Specification (Swagger) here (Coming Soon!). You can use this file to quickly import the suite of APIs into Postman or Insomnia.

You can obtain historical bar data for various intervals e.g. ticks, minutes, hourly, and EOD. You can specify the output format via the format query string parameter.

For example: to obtain CSV, you would append ?format=CSV for JSON format=JSON if omitted, you will get JSON.

Note: Full historical API with date parameters for paying subscribers. One-time historical data file service(s) upon request for quote. Please contact us for more information: [email protected]

  Market Data Snapshot

Access real-time market snapshot
Access real-time market snapshot
Latest refrence prices
get latest prices data for all markets


Tick Query
Get Tick Query for a global cryptocurrency
Minutes Queries
Get minute historical bar data for global cryptocurrency
Daily Queries
Get daily historical bar data for global cryptocurrency
USD Reference Prices
Get historical USD reference prices for any global symbol
Marketcap and Circulation Supply
View current and historical marketcap and cirulation supply
Coin Halving and Forking
Get historical halving and forking information for a global crypto currency